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Sunday 27 March 2016

Tips On Choosing Organic Gardening For A Healthier Lifestyle

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Tips On Choosing Organic Gardening For A Healthier Lifestyle
A lot of us plant our gardens during the spring and summer months in order to have fresh vegetables for our families. Although you may not call this "organic," that's exactly what it is if you're not using chemical enhancers to assist you. Find out what else you can do to enjoy an organic garden by reading these tips.

If your flowers leaves are curling, this probably means they are not getting enough nutrients. The soil might not be rich enough, or some insects might be stealing the nutrients from your flowers. Look for eggs or bugs around the roots of your plants. Buy insecticide or additional nutrients for your plants.

Use a solution made of a combination of alcohol, water, and vinegar to remove the salt deposits that may accrue in clay pots. Spray it on the the pots and scrub away with a brush, preferably plastic. This allows you to continue to reuse those clay pots! Make sure the pots are dry before using them though.

Plant a new and different edible each week. Eating tomatoes or corn every day can get old real quick, but if a variety is planted, this problem will never happen. The garden can offer a wide variety of different edible plants and if they come to maturity at the same time the variety will make the garden more enjoyable and more fun.

Create a record journal for your garden. Keep track of when you planted your seeds, when they germinated, how many grow to full size, the yield, etc. You will have more knowledge about your plants and a good idea of how successful your methods are. Use this information for your next grow cycles.

People often do not realize that organic gardening can be quite easy. Many people gardening with the aid of chemicals fail to realize the benefits of going organic. Make sure you're ready to use the tips you've learned here to get the most out of your garden. You might even inspire a few others to do the same!

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